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Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

Daftar Istilah Pelayaran dan Singkatan Kepulauan

Daftar Singkatan yang sering ditemukan dalam Istilah Pelayaran :
* AIS : Automatic Identification System
* ALC : Articulated Loading Column
* AMVER : Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System
* ASL : Archipelagic Sea Lane
* ATBA : Area To Be Avoided
* ATLAS : Autonomous Temperature Line Acquisition System
* CALM : Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring
* CBM : Conventional Buoy Mooring
* CDC : Certain Dangerous Cargo
* CHA : Competent Harbour Authority
* COTP : Captain of the Port
* CVTS : Co-operative Vessel Traffic System
* DART : Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting Tsunamis
* DF : Direction Finding
* DG : Degaussing
* DGPS : Differential Global Positioning System
* DPG : Dangerous and Polluting Goods
* DSC : Digital Selective Calling
* DW : Deep Water
* DWT : Deadweight Tonnage
* DZ : Danger Zone
* E : East
* ELSBM : Exposed Location Single Buoy Mooring
* ENE : East Northeast
* EPIRB : Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
* ESE : East Southeast
* ETA : Estimated Time of Arrival
* ETD : Estimated Time of Departure
* FAD : Fish Aggregating Device
* feu : Forty Foot Equivalent Unit
* fm : Fathom(s)
* FPSO : Floating Production Storage and Offloading Vessel
* FPU : Floating Production Unit
* FSO : Floating Storage and Offloding Vessel
* ft : Foot (Feet)
* GMDSS : Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
* GPS : Global Positioning System
* GRT : Gross Register Tonnage
* GT : Gross Tonnage
* HAT : Highest Astronomical Tide
* HF : High Frequency
* hm : Hectometre
* HMS : Her (His) Majesty’s Ship
* HP : Horse Power
* hPa : Hectopascal
* HSC : High Speed Craft
* HW : High Water
* IALA : International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
* IHO : International Hydrographic Organization
* IMDG : International Maritime Dangerous Goods
* IMO : International Maritime Organization
* ISPS : International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
* ITCZ : Intertropical Convergence Zone
* ITZ : Inshore Traffic Zone
* JRCC : Joint Rescue Co-0rdination Centre
* kHz : Kilohertz
* km : Kilometre(s)
* kn : Knot(s)
* kW : Kilowatt(s)
* LANBY : Large Automatic Navigation Buoy
* LASH : Lighter Aboard Ship
* LAT : Lowest Astronomical Tide
* LF : Low Frequency
* LHG : Liquefied Hazardous Gas
* LMT : Local Mean Time
* LNG : Liquefied Natural Gas
* LOA : Length Overall
* LPG : Liquefied Petroleum Gas
* LW : Low Water
* mb : Milibar(s)
* MCTS : Marine Communications and Traffic Service Centres
* MF : Medium Frequenncy
* MHz : Megahertz
* MHHW : Mean Higher High Water
* MHLW : Mean Higher Low Water
* MHW : Mean High Water
* MHWN : Mean High Water Neaps
* MHWS : Mean High Water spring
* MLHW : Mean Lower High Water
* MLLW : Mean Lower Low Water
* MLW : Mean Low Water
* MLWN : Mean Lower Water Neaps
* MLWS : Mean Lower Water Spring
* MMSI : Maritime Mobile Sevice Identity
* MRCC : Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre
* MRSC : Maritime Rescue Sub-Centre
* MSI : Marine Safety Information
* MSL : Mean Sea Level
* MV : Motor Vessel
* MW : Megawatt(s)
* N : North
* NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization
* Navtex : Navigational Telex System
* NE : Northeast
* NNE : North Northeast
* NNW : North Northwest
* No : Number
* NRT : Net Register Tonnage
*NT : Net Tonnage
* NW : Northwest
* ODAS : Ocean Data Acquisition System
* PEC : Pilotage Exemption Certificate
* PEL : Port Entry Light
* PLEM : Pipe Line End Manifold
* PMSC : Port Marine Safety Code
* POL : Petrol,Oil & Lubricants
* PSSA : Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas
* PWC : Personal Watercraft
* RCC : Rescue Co-ordination Centre
* RMS : Royal Mail Ship
* RN : Royal Navy
* RoRo : Roll-on,Roll off
* RT : Radio Telephony
* S : South
* SALM : Single Anchor Leg Mooring System
* SALS : Single Anchored Leg Storage System
* SAR : Search And Rescue
* Satnav : Satellite Navigation
* SBM : Single Buoy Mooring
* SE : Southeast
* SHA : Statutory Harbour Authority
* SPM : Single Point Mooring
* sq : Square
* SRR : Search and Rescue Region
* SS : Steamship
* SSCC : Ship Sanitation Control Certificate
* SSE : South Southeast
* SSCEC : Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate
* SSW : South Southwest
* STL : Submerged Turret Loading
* STS : Ship to Ship
* SW : Southwest
* SWATH : Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull Ship
* teu : Twenty Foot Equvalent Unit
* TRITON : Triangle Trans-Ocean Buoy Network
* TSS : Traffic Separation Scheme
* UHF : Ultra High Frequency
* UKC : Under-kell Clereance
* UKHO : United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
* ULCC : Ultra Large Crude Carrier
* UN : United Nations
* UT : Universal Time
* UTC : Co-ordinated Universal Time
* VDR : Voyage Data Recorder
* VHF : Very High Frequency
* VLCC : Very Large Crude Carrier
* VMRS : Vessel Movement Reporting system
* VTC : Vessel Traffic Centre
* VTMS : Vessel Traffic Management System
* VTS : Vessel Trrafic Services
* W : West
* WGS : World Geodetic System
* WMO : World Meteorological Organization
* WNW : West Northwest
* WSW : West Southwest
* WT : radio (Wireless) Telegraphy